Day 3: Tsukji Market 築地

Central Wholesale Market Central wholesale markets, established by local governments under the Wholesale Market Law, sell fresh foods indispensable to out daily life such as fish, vegetables, fruit, meat and flowers. It is difficult to store perishable foods for a long period as the spoil easily. In addition, the production of perishables is greatly affected by natural conditions such as the weather, so the price is subject to greater fluctuation than other goods. So the wholesale market, standing between producers and consumers, promotes the smooth distribution of perishables and contributes to stabilization of diet through the fair and speedy transactions between wholesalers and jobbers in the clean and functional facilities.

Indeed, we visited the market at night, after our Hakone trip. It was a pretty long walk - as we wanted to avoid the after-office hour crowd in the subway.

Though the market was already closed, we managed to take some pictures that were often not seen by others... For example, the thematically painted shutters of each stall...
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